I Don't Mind

I know, God never sleep. I see that I am not perfect. I just the lucky one. Thanks God. Thanks for give me many things, include love, laugh, hurt, sad time, and many more. 

Sometimes, I feel sad, disappointed, angry, cause I don't know, what should I do? And somerimes I always save my mind alone. Why (?) Cause I sad, I don't want to make everyone sad too. 

Am I wrong that I always be like that (?) Actually I want to be a honest girl, who will say I am fine without a lie. And of course without pain. 

Actually, I really love my life. And I would say thanks to You, God. I have a beautiful life. With many love that you give me. Parents, family, friendship. You make me know it.

I see that sometimes, love is hurt and painful. But I am okay. I am strong girl. 😆 yeah strong.
Help me to be strong, help me to be me. Help me to make everyone happy because of me.

Tonight, I really don't know. Am I happy or sad. But I know that I wrong. And I am really confuse am I should apologize? Or just silent and make sure that people see that I am fine. Actually I am not fine. But I am okay. It is usual. I don't mind. But, I am really sorry. Cause I don't know what should I do. 

For you, my my my my my.. ah my everything, I really don't mind. And now I have to know that I should be real Efri. Not much, just me. I know that we should believe our self, and of course love ourself by don't want to be others. Yeah, I see. But I just want to show that I am not a perfect one. I am just a girl with many mistake. And now, I want to be a girl with a super power to make many people proud of me. To make everyone smile. And of course, I have a dream. And I want it, so I have to get it. 

Hey, I really don't mind.
